Friday, January 21, 2011

29 things

As I have not yet completely determined and/or decided what my blog is going to be about, I thought, hey, I'll tell my followers ( and Kaleigh) 29 things  So get ready.

1.  I'm 29 for about 6.5 more months.  Hence, my decision to tell you 29 things, and not 20 or 25...or 30.
2.  I am super obsessive compulsive.  It's sick.
3.  I rearrange the furniture in my house about once a month...any of my old roomies can vouch for that.  Right, Kim?!  Oh wait.  She's not "following" me yet.
4.  I can knit.  Scarves.  And that's it.
5.  I have quite a few vices. 
6.  Shopping is definitely my worst.  Also, Starbucks, US Weekly, TV...
7.  I want to learn how to make my own candles.
8.  I probably own around 250 (maybe more) pairs of earrings.
9.  I would love to be good at photography.  Don't have that eye.  I try to.
10.  I love Diane Keaton.  I think she's great.
11.  I tried out "the high-wasted jean" today.  Don't know how I feel about it.
12.  I cannot stick to a diet.  No will power.
13.  I love big, chunky, goddy jewelry.  The more, the better.
14.  I probably change my hairstyle more than anyone I've ever met.
15.  My husband cannot figure out for the life of him, why I decided to be a blogger.
16.  I'm trying to me more technologically of my 4 NY resolutions.
17.  Another NYR...stand up straight.
18.  Another NYR...not be so wasteful.
19.  Another kinder to my husband.
20.  I'm scared of horses.  But, I'd like to own one/some someday.
21.  I have given away two pairs of shoes this year that I later decided I wanted to wear, but couldn't find, cause I gave them to Good Will. 
22.  I also have a bit of a sickness when it comes to watches.  I'm not quite sure, but ballpark would prob be around 25 to 30.
23.  Got a thing for birds right now.  Bird jewelry, bird pictures, bird bedding.  You name it.  It's birds.
24.  I wish I worked out more.
25.  I've never had long hair.
26.  I LOVE JUNK.  My sister HATES going to "antique" stores with my mom and I.
27.  I'm reallllllllly stretching now.  2 more things.
28.  Paper and pens/cils are another fetish I have.
29.  I have 3 teeeeeny tinnnnny tattoos, but would like 1, or maybe 2 more. 

So there you have it.  29 virtually useless tidbits of information about me.  I think my blog will be about a plethora of things. 
Clothing, accessories, home decor/furnishings, diet/exercise, "photography".

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, and for'll hear about MY CHILDREN! The lights of my life! I think my first attempt at putting some "photos" on "my blog" will be ones I took of them. If I don't say so myself, they're pretty cool. Very artsy.
