Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Busy Little Beaver

Snow days are the bomb!  I have had a pretty great couple of days at home snugglin' with my sweet little things.  We've done puzzles, read books, and played board games till we were blue in the face.  We tackled Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Uno, and Memory.  We watched Nanny McPhee and Despicable Me (both great flicks).  And, we had a mani/pedi session.  Grahm only had one little toe painted.  Sean keeps referring to me, as a "busy little beaver", so...
I even did a little more to my cute little turquoise bench (I put two new knobs on...that's it). 

Slowly but surely, you'll see a finished product.  I'm thinking of covering the bench with a really sharp green print.  Maybe a cross between grass green and some other shade of green.  My new knobs are black and white flowered, with gold accent.  Super cute.  I think it will be perfect.

One of the things I love to do most is rearrange furniture in my house.  Whenever I do this, the rooms just seem new to me.  My daughter loves it too.  She gets so excited when I rearrange her bedroom, which is what I did on Sunday.  Her dresser is kind of a focal point in her room.  It's nothing spectacularly beautiful, but it's pretty cool.  I covered it in black chalkboard paint and both kids like to draw pictures on it.  I've also been writing cute little quotes on it from her favorite books.  Addie's so thrilled by this.  : )  She's a sweetie. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Ken, my boobs are big."

;p Isn't that frickin' hilarious. What a little pip of a daughter I have. This was her conversation while playing Barbies tonight (to her brother, who was Ken) while Sean and I were fixing dinner. Oh the things that come out of that mouth. I've been spending some much needed quality time with these two little ornery people the past few nights. I love to watch them play. It really melts my heart. And sleep. I love to watch them sleep. Which reminds me, I need to post one of the pictures of them that I took. I used it for our Christmas card this year, and it is my most favorite picture ever. I'll do that now.

Things have been crazy at work. As usual. Oh, the life of a school teacher. I will say, my new red "It Girl" lipstick has been a hit with the fourth graders. My husband on the other hand has sarcastic comments to say about my pout every time I sport the look. Purposefully applied some to my lips on my drive home last night. Waaahaawaaah. Evil laugh. I also got 3, count them, 3 compliments on my ensemble today. Which consisted of my "shetland pony" Frye boots (as Sarah refers to them as); gray American Apparel tights; a navy "I Love Lucy" dress (that's not really the brand, but that's what it reminds me of...something Lucy would have worn, or Mrs. Cleaver. You know the type...the 50's housewife style.); a poppy colored skinny belt (I believe from the Gap); and of course flashy earrings and a big fat sparkly ring. (Oh and speaking of a big sparkly ring...I did find that fancy cocktail ring I had been scouting. I've got a photo of that too.) I thought it was darling. However, there's been some hubbub on professional dress attire for a teacher. Hmmm...I hope I was professional looking enough today!

I had good intentions of working out today too. Even got my "workout clothes" on when I got home, but I got sidetracked by dinner and then making a tasty snack dip. Compliments of Molly Nedved/Courtney Buthe. It is delicious. And I think it has to be semi-healthy. I ate it with celery! Goal for tomorrow = go for a walk! I'm going to need to, because it is FAT Friday.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Paper Towels That Don't Tear

And toilet paper that doesn't come off the roll.  This is my big complaint of the day.  Cheap-ass paper products that my husband insists on buying that you can't get to work effeciently.  God love him, but seriously?!  Just had to get that off my chest.

On another note, I have decided that the reason I have gained so much fat over the past few months, is none other than the fact that my physical exercise consists mainly of walking to and from the fridge from various places in my house.  After yet another fat talk with my good friend Sarah, she has informed me that after having babies, women should scrap all exercise regimines...except for pilates and/or yoga.  Soooo, I did some pilates tonight.  A little less half-assed than my last attempt at Jillian Michael's last week.  Sarah, you will be happy to know, I did not take a single phone call during this workout!  I am even pondering signing up for a weekly class, but a little fearful I will make a complete fool of myself during downward dog.  We'll see.  I have to get fit.  Or at least, fitter.  And maybe not eat so much.  Muenster grilled cheese sammies for dinner again tonight.  I'd like to thank my skinny-ass friend, Joy, for that.

Tomorrow night is shopping night, btw.  What am I in search of now?  Well.  Your guess is as good as mine.  I got some super cute BCBG wedge boots over the weekend, so I'll probably be needing something to wear with those bad boys.  A chunky sweater, a long necklace, a cocktail ring.  The possibilities are endless.  I'll keep you posted. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today I woke up with motivation.  My day so far, has gone like so... 
Woke up to Grahm screaming.  No worries though.  We fell back to sleep on the couch.
Decided to paint a chest/bench.
Worked on framing some pictures of my kids.
Tried to stick some flower/weed-like sticky things on the wall.  Didn't happen.
Made muenster grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.  Delicious.
Got ready for a concert tonight.  Love me some country music.
Put my cowboy boots on....although Sean asked me if I was going back to the 80's based on the rest of my ensemble.

So, this has quickly turned into more random thoughts.  I've called this blog turquoise, because I love turquoise.  So much so, that 9 times out of 10, I'm wearing some sort of the shade somehow.  But, today....I decided to paint my big ol' chest/bench turquoise.  Turquoise-ish.  Mainly because I bought this little can of Martha Stewart paint last summer in hopes of painting something...mind you I've now forgotten what exactly that was at this point in time.  Anywho.  It's crazy how, by changing one little thing about this chest, it's changed its look entirely.  I love it now!  My next steps are to recover the bench seat in some sort of fabric (undecided what pattern at this time) and buy about 50 new knobs from, my fave store of all time, Anthropologie.  Which at 10 bucks or so a knob...could take me a while.

I wish I would have taken a before picture, so one could really get a feel for the vast improvement.  But, of course, I didn't think of that til I was half way through the first coat.  So, we're just going to have some pics of the half-way point and the finished project.

This little project did inspire me to get a little "honey-to-do" list jotted down for Sean that consists of painting the door of our bedroom and our office/playroom in the upstairs.  I'm thinking gray.

FYI, I need to change this to yesterday I woke up with motivation, cause today (Sunday) I have zero.  Started the post yesterday...sorry for the confusion.

Friday, January 21, 2011

29 things

As I have not yet completely determined and/or decided what my blog is going to be about, I thought, hey, I'll tell my followers ( and Kaleigh) 29 things  So get ready.

1.  I'm 29 for about 6.5 more months.  Hence, my decision to tell you 29 things, and not 20 or 25...or 30.
2.  I am super obsessive compulsive.  It's sick.
3.  I rearrange the furniture in my house about once a month...any of my old roomies can vouch for that.  Right, Kim?!  Oh wait.  She's not "following" me yet.
4.  I can knit.  Scarves.  And that's it.
5.  I have quite a few vices. 
6.  Shopping is definitely my worst.  Also, Starbucks, US Weekly, TV...
7.  I want to learn how to make my own candles.
8.  I probably own around 250 (maybe more) pairs of earrings.
9.  I would love to be good at photography.  Don't have that eye.  I try to.
10.  I love Diane Keaton.  I think she's great.
11.  I tried out "the high-wasted jean" today.  Don't know how I feel about it.
12.  I cannot stick to a diet.  No will power.
13.  I love big, chunky, goddy jewelry.  The more, the better.
14.  I probably change my hairstyle more than anyone I've ever met.
15.  My husband cannot figure out for the life of him, why I decided to be a blogger.
16.  I'm trying to me more technologically of my 4 NY resolutions.
17.  Another NYR...stand up straight.
18.  Another NYR...not be so wasteful.
19.  Another kinder to my husband.
20.  I'm scared of horses.  But, I'd like to own one/some someday.
21.  I have given away two pairs of shoes this year that I later decided I wanted to wear, but couldn't find, cause I gave them to Good Will. 
22.  I also have a bit of a sickness when it comes to watches.  I'm not quite sure, but ballpark would prob be around 25 to 30.
23.  Got a thing for birds right now.  Bird jewelry, bird pictures, bird bedding.  You name it.  It's birds.
24.  I wish I worked out more.
25.  I've never had long hair.
26.  I LOVE JUNK.  My sister HATES going to "antique" stores with my mom and I.
27.  I'm reallllllllly stretching now.  2 more things.
28.  Paper and pens/cils are another fetish I have.
29.  I have 3 teeeeeny tinnnnny tattoos, but would like 1, or maybe 2 more. 

So there you have it.  29 virtually useless tidbits of information about me.  I think my blog will be about a plethora of things. 
Clothing, accessories, home decor/furnishings, diet/exercise, "photography".

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm already sick of myself.

I am just a little giddy about this, so bare (is that the right kind of bare?) with me. I did want to mention I don't know what I'll be blogging about...(there's that ... again) but it will not be strictly about cardigans and cowboy boots! Just an FYI.

Oh yeah, and...

I use a ridiculous amount of ... those in everything I do, and it may have taken me 14 hours to set this blog up.

P.S. I exaggerate quite a bit too!

14 hours later...

Let's clear some things up first. I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I AM DOING. And I will most likely be my only follower.